आपल्या परिसरामध्ये अतिशय प्राचीन, जागृत, स्वयंभू आणि पांडवकालीन असे शिवपार्वती यांचे मंदिर आहे. आपल्या कार्य निशितीस
फळ देणारे आणि भक्तांचे संकटलोचन श्रधेय ठिकाण
आपल्या परिसरामध्ये म्हणजे औताडे हांडेवडी, होळकरवाडी परिसरातील थिटेवाडी या ठिकाणी स्वयंभू असे शिव पार्वतीचे एकत्रित
लिंग असणारे एकमेव ठिकाण आहे.
Shiv Parvati Devasthan Trust accepts donations from devotees for various funds. Sansthan uses the donation for the day-to-day administration of the trust to fulfill the requirements of devotees such as accommodation, food, medical facilities, etc. The following types of donations are available for devotees to donate online.
Charitable/Development donation
Donations made under Charitable/Development are eligible for income tax deduction u/s 80-G of the Income Tax Act 1961. Donation made under the charitable/development fund is allocated to the following funds
a. General Fund: This fund is utilized as a Trust corpus fund to provide facilities for devotees.
b. Building Fund: This fund is utilized for the construction of Buildings for various purposes of Trust as well as devotees.
c. Medical fund: This fund is used for needy patients of Autadwadi and the surrounding area to get modern and up-to-date medical facilities at affordable rates.
d. Anndan fund: This fund is used for providing meals (Prasad Bhojan) to Shiv devotees at a concessional rate and free meals to poor and needy people.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this Refund Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at:
Shiv Parvati Devasthan Trust
Address: Thitewadi Rd, Autadwadi Handewadi, Maharashtra 412308
Phone: +91 9552559375 (Dinkar Thite)
Phone: +91 9881156050 (Sunil Bhadale)
Email: [email protected]